Pets age much more rapidly than their human caregivers, and because they are very adept at hiding pain and compensating for illness, every pet should receive a comprehensive health examination at least once a year. Many illnesses can be treated or medically managed with success if they are diagnosed early enough, which improves the quality and duration of your pet’s life.
At Bergheim Pet Hospital & Clinic, we perform a complete and thorough nose-to-tail health examination that includes: evaluation of the teeth and oral cavity; internal and external eye & ear exam; palpation of the glands and lymphatics; assessment of the nose & throat; auscultation of the heart and lungs; palpation of the abdominal organs, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts; assessment of the skin, coat, and nails; weight & body condition scoring with nutrition consult; flexion, extension, and palpation of joints & spine.
Based on your pet’s physical exam findings, age and lifestyle, we will recommend “risk assessed” vaccinations as described by Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine, American Animal Hospital Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, and other respected institutions and agencies. With your informed consent, we will vaccinate your animal with only those biologic agents that 1) are medically necessary, 2) have demonstrated efficacy, and 3) are a realistic threat to your pet’s health.
Bergheim Pet Hospital & Clinic follows parasite testing recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Heartworm Society (AHS). Annual fecal parasite testing is strongly advised required. If your pet is not maintained on a broad spectrum monthly de-wormer, it can transmit certain fecal parasites that are contagious to people. Unfortunately no heartworm preventive is 100% efficacious, so annual testing is advised required due to the high incidence of mosquito-borne heartworm disease in our mild climate. Early detection and treatment of heartworm infection can significantly reduce the permanent heart and organ damage this deadly parasite causes.
Concurrent testing for serious tick-borne diseases is also available.